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You'll find here below some older or smaller projects.

I made a website under Wordpress in collaboration with a developer for a jewelry based in the region.

Joaillier Prive Adeps

I created a logo and some concepts for branding elements. It has been used on documents, business cards and vehicles.


A single page report created for Ores, Operator of gas and electricity networks, is a Belgian company active in the energy sector and one of the managers of the electricity and natural gas distribution networks in the Walloon Region.

Ores Adeps

I made an interface for PieDisplay, an App who allows you to easily manage your connected devices and medias.

Pie Display
Pie Display
Pie Display
Pie Display Adeps
Pie Display Adeps
Pie Display

I made a website under Wordpress for Pregiotek, a company I'm working with as a consultant.

Pregiotek Adeps
Pregiotek Adeps
Pregiotek Adeps